Así pincel de maquillaje Eco fijado para el maquillaje de ojos
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So Eco is a range of ?eco-friendly? make up brushes, with the unique emphasis on components being responsibly & ethically sourced. We realise that there are many environmental issues arising from product & packaging consumption. We have tested and developed the hand cut heads for size, powder application and finish. The bristle colours have been chosen so you can see the amount of product on the brush head. The weight and handle is custom made for weight and a comfortable grip. Unlike brands who claim eco-friendliness on some components whist packaging in plastics, we aren't just looking as far as the brush. We are offering a brand with a very unique attitude towards ecology, one that will set the benchmark for consumers and retailers in the way that they view responsibly sourced brands. We have developed our own unique range of professional quality brushes to suit the needs of the consumer. Our approach incorporates eco-focussed principles that ensure a lower impact on the e...