8 Methods to Be Free From the Ego: From Chaos and Confusion


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What if you could be free from all the negativity in your mind?What if you could have infinite intelligence by your side at any given moment?What if the combination of that freedom and that intelligence would create an amazing life for you to live?Would you want it? This book was made for you and will change your life!“It feels like breathing fresh air after being underwater for a very long time.”Mariana N.“You will understand your emotions and transcend your thoughts, it’s a whole new world.”Ana B.“You will have God, Source, Spirit, the Universe or whatever you want to call it, right by your side!” Rui P.Every single one of us has a very nasty voice inside our own heads, that voice is the combination of all our fears, traumas, doubts, unpleasant experiences, broken dreams and every little piece of negativity we faced throughout our lives.Very limited in its nature and with a special addition to suffering, that voice undermines our thoughts and beliefs, filters the perception...
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