ASUS CERBERUS-GTX1050TI-O4G, Tarjeta Gráfica


Recommended by 108 users
    avatar11/04/2020, 02:52 AM@UnlimitedRequiem2
    Another strong graphics card that can run most of the games at medium settings.Quite cheap for it's performance . Recommending to everyone who wants to save money.Comes with 4gb of memory storage.
    avatar10/10/2020, 06:41 PM@luiselmanco15
    Potente corre el fornite en 100fps calle of duty warzone 70fps
    avatar08/03/2020, 06:19 PM@BILHAR4
    Ótima placa de video
    avatar05/08/2020, 09:15 PM@jmdcf131
    Gtx 1050 Ti
    avatar04/15/2020, 02:30 AM@susucabral5

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