Creo Parametric 5.0 Part 3


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This the color version of Part 3 Lessons 13-22 of the book. PTC Creo Parametric 5.0 is one of the most widely used CAD/CAM software programs in the world today. Any aspiring engineer will greatly benefit from the knowledge contained herein, while in school or upon graduation as a newly employed engineer. Significant changes, upgrades, and new capabilities including have made PTC Creo Parametric 5.0 a unique product. This is not a revised textbook but a new book covering all the necessary subjects needed to master this high-level CAD software. There are few if any comprehensive texts on this subject so we hope this text will fill the needs of both schools and professionals alike. The text involves creating a new part, an assembly, or a drawing, using a set of commands that walk you through the process systematically. Lessons and Projects all come from industry and have been tested for accuracy and correctness as per engineering standards. Projects are downloadable as a PDF...
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