Sub conciousness - the hidden power of your brain


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Sub Consciousness is a state within oneself which is always active and aware of your surrounding, always on the lookout for potential danger. Firstly, let us talk about the conscious mind and subconscious mind in simple terms. Every action you do after thinking about It in your head or to simply put it if you know what you are doing / if you feel you’re in control of your actions it’s the work of your conscious mind. The contrast of the previous actions; the actions for which you’re not in control of or the actions that happen in an instant without you knowing how you did that is the work of your sub-conscious mind. Each and every individual has both conscious as well as sub-conscious mind working at the same time. Harnessing the power of Sub-consciousness is no walk in the park for anyone. Only through proper and regular training, you will be able to understand what your sub-consciousness is. Understanding what your sub-consciousness is one thing, harnessing its powers are t...
    Um livro que te explica o quanto o subconsciente é importante na construção da nossa realidade, 95%,os outros 5% são consciente. Vais descobrir o porquê de muitas coisas acontecerem ou não. Li duas vezes este livro.

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