The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition


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One of the most famous accounts of living under the Nazi regime of World War II comes from the diary of a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl, Anne Frank. Today, The Diary of a Young Girl has sold over 25 million copies world-wide.It is one of the most celebrated and enduring books of the last century and it remains a deeply admired testament to the indestructible nature of human spirit.Anne Frank and her family fled the horrors of Nazi occupation by hiding in the back of a warehouse in Amsterdam for two years with another family and a German dentist. Aged thirteen when she went into the secret annexe, Anne kept a diary. She movingly revealed how the eight people living under these extraordinary conditions coped with hunger, the daily threat of discovery and death and being cut off from the outside world, as well as petty misunderstandings and the unbearable strain of living like prisoners.The Diary of a Yong Girl is a timeless true story to be rediscovered by each new generation....
    everyone is this planet should read this book. we should mever forget the horrors of world war 2 and the suffering of the jewish people. it is really heartbreaking to know that she died so young so close to freedom yet so far away
    Sad story, really good book
    this was a diary written by anne frank, a young judish girl that had to hide for about 25 months from the nazis.
    One of the best books ever. Really good to read during the quarantine.
    I read this book when I was younger and made me see the problems from another perspective

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