Total Control:High Performance Street Riding Techniques, 2nd Edition


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A completely revised version of one of the best-selling motorcycle riding skills books of all time. Today's super high-performance bikes are the most potent vehicles ever sold to the public and they demand advanced riding skills. Get it right, and a modern motorcycle will provide you with the thrill of a lifetime; get it wrong and you'll be carted off in a meat wagon. The line between ecstasy and agony is so thin that there is absolutely no margin for error. Total Control provides you with the information you need to stay on the healthy side of that line, providing a training course developed and perfected through decades of professional training in Lee Parks' Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic. This is the perfect book for riders who want to take their street riding skills to a higher level. Total Control explains the ins and outs of high-performance street riding. Lee Parks, one of the most accomplished riders, racers, authors and instructors in the world, helps riders ma...

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