Aatm Healing Gemstone 7 Chakra Labradorite Wand with Crystal Ball


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Add this earth and rainbow color crystal in At a workplace, a feeling of satisfaction and adventure should be there while working, and your life. Labradorite, with its colorful appearance can make your work desk attractive. a person shouldn't feel laid back at the workplace. As, A Labradorite crystal is associated with the third eye chakra and root chakraand the third eye chakra centres the intuitions, visions, imagination and sixth sense. Whereas the root chakra is the foundation of the stability of a person's life.When both the chakras are balanced, a transformation and magic in a person's life start to happen.For your life transformation, you need to discover yourself using your intuitive power and it can take you into a position where you feel that your life is an adventurous and exciting journey. Which can happen when the third eye and root chakra are in alignment.Labradorite called as a "stone of transformation" used to magnify the energy required to balance the root an...