

  • Movie 6 underground
    6 underground


    "Um multimilionário encena a sua morte e recruta uma equipa especial para levar a cabo uma missão arriscada: derrubar um impiedoso ditador. É incrível, gostei imenso!"
  • Movie Violet y Finch
    Violet y Finch


    "Lugares incríveis "
  • Movie Puñales por la espalda
    Puñales por la espalda


    "Me la he visto hoy y esta geniaaal!!"
  • Movie Would You Rather
    Would You Rather


    "Filme pesado mas com a temática interessante do até onde é que o sere humano vai para conseguir o objectivo e que pessoas com poder se aproveitam da desgraça dos outros é um filme a ver "
  • Movie The Boy
    The Boy


    "Greta takes a job as a babysitter for the 8 year old son of a couple (Heelshire) who have a strict list of rules for looking after their child, Brahms or can result in something terrible. But he isn't a real boy but a normal-sized porcelain doll that parents treat as if it were real."
  • Movie Ocean's 8
    Ocean's 8


    "ME FLIPA!"
  • Movie The Imitation Game (Descifrando Enigma)
    The Imitation Game (Descifrando Enigma)


    " The movie talks about how Alan Turning was the hero of the war, unraveling the "Enigma" encoded messages among the Germans and how he did not have an easy life, especially after British authorities discovered that he was a homosexual."
  • Movie El Escuadrón Suicida
    El Escuadrón Suicida


    "I don't give spoiler!! But if you want to see the trailer press the button!"
  • Movie El muñeco de nieve
    El muñeco de nieve


    "The movie is great, but I think it's more of an investigative than a horror movie :)"
  • Movie The Girl on the Train
    The Girl on the Train


    "Enredo com um final inesperado, genial..."