Material from my youth


  • Serie D'Artacán y los tres mosqueperros
    D'Artacán y los tres mosqueperros


    "Very, very, very good memories!!!"
  • Serie Las misteriosas ciudades de oro
    Las misteriosas ciudades de oro


    "Les Mystérieuses Cités d’or!! Think it’s from here my fascination for flight!!"
  • Serie Espacio 1999
    Espacio 1999


    "We all would thought that by 1999 we would have a permanent base on the moon!!! Very good Sci-fi at the time it released!! 8/10"
  • Product Flashback


    "For me one of the best games I’ve played. Of course you need to realize it’s a game with 29 years!!! At the time it was ages ahead of all platform games!!! The complexity of movements had nothing like it!!! 10/10"
  • Serie Dragon Ball season 1
    Dragon Ball season 1


    "Top series!!! Who doesn’t know Dragon Ball 10/10"
  • Videogames Final Fantasy VII (1997)
    Final Fantasy VII (1997)


    "Many and many hours of fun in my youth... just a piece of art... magnificent story and state of the art gaming at the time (1997). Started playing the new remake version. Recommendation in a few days!! For this one 10/10 at the release time!!"