

  • Serie You


    "This is a very interesting and exciting series. The development of the main character "Joe Goldberg" begins by showing his life and how he met "Beck" the woman he falls in love with. After this introduction the series shows a little bit of his dark childh"
  • Serie Black Summer
    Black Summer


    "A very different horror series. It starts showing a family that is in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. The family mother got separated from her daughter and her husband turned into a zombie and tryed to kill her. After it she join forces with other surv"
  • Serie The Witcher
    The Witcher


    "This series is a very engaging series. The series is about a magical and fantasy world where dragons, witches, Kings, Monsters...etc existe. The main character "The Witcher" is one of the most powerfull things in this magical world and his history is deve"
  • Serie Drugs, Inc.
    Drugs, Inc.


    "It tells you everything about the world of drugs and the dope game. You can learn how everything works derectly from the real dealers and users. It shows a lot of stuff thta tv shows don't show. Strongly recommend."