Health and Well-Being Apps


Feel Fit, feel Good, Perform Better at Your Daily Tasks
  • App Home Workout
    Home Workout


    "Exercícios em casa sem equipamento, simplesmente top 💪"
  • App Strava GPS Correr Ciclismo
    Strava GPS Correr Ciclismo


    "This App it's very intuitive and fun to use, basically it's a social network for people who like sports, I recommend it for anyone who like to Run and Cicling"
  • App Map My Run by Under Armour
    Map My Run by Under Armour


    "This is the first app I started to use when I started running 🏃 nowadays I still use it but I prefer Strava"
  • App Sworkit - Personal Trainer
    Sworkit - Personal Trainer


    "This is my favorite Fitness App, it has great workout plans (with video and audio instructions) that I can be implemented anywhere at home, outside or at the Gym. "
  • App Sleep Cycle: smart alarm clock
    Sleep Cycle: smart alarm clock


    "Do you have a hard time waking up and get out of bed? Maybe it's because your Alarm clock wakes you up when you're heavy sleeping. Meet Sleep Cycle, the app that helps you fall asleep and gently wakes you up when you're light sleeping. Wake up with a great mood and become more productive."
  • App Habit Track-er: Be Productive!
    Habit Track-er: Be Productive!


    "Want to break free from old bad habits and replace them with new better ones, meet Habit Tracker the app that helps you having an empowering and productive lifestyle. Live life on your own terms and be free. "