Series I watch


  • Serie Las escalofriantes aventuras de Sabrina
    Las escalofriantes aventuras de Sabrina


    "Pretty nice series based on the original series and switched into a less comic show. I love it and I'm looking forward for its next season. Who else is a fan out there? ❤️ "
  • Serie Lucifer


    "This one is pretty awesome, it has fantasy, comedy, romance and action. Gotta give some kudos to the main actor cause he's so great at performing this badass lucifer that I for once love. Looking forward for season five!! "
  • Serie Sobrenatural


    "This one should have been the first one being added cause I take the blame, I'm a huge addict to this series. The brotherhood it's what kept me going at first and then? I just couldn't have enough. It's on its 15th season and it's not the same as it was if you ask me, but it's still supernatural!! ❤"
  • Serie Embrujadas


    "A classic from my teenage life, I was so dragged into this show, their love stories, the powers they had.... EVERYTHING!! My favorite? Was Phoebe, of course. "
  • Serie Embrujadas


    "The remake of the original Charmed. What can I say about this? Well, I like it. I started to watch it by mere curiosity and then continued... The first charmed is still number one for me. "
  • Serie Buffy the vampire slayer
    Buffy the vampire slayer


    "Primeira série de vampiros que vi... top! 👌"
  • Serie Drácula


    "A Netflix arranja sempre forma de nos impressionar mesmo que seja pegando num clássico como é o Drácula. Amei simplesmente e aconselho!! "
  • Serie Dollhouse


    "Antiga mas fantástica, uma história cuja a principal é a atriz que fez a Faith em Buffy. Vejam, é bem fixe. "
  • Serie Tru Calling
    Tru Calling


    "Pretty old that, but some old stuff is the best right. This is awesome, it's kind of similar tp the Melinda series in some aspects. I'm a fé an of both series so, I love this. I recommend eagerly. "
  • Serie Entre fantasmas
    Entre fantasmas


    "Ora bem como não gostar da nossa Melinda que contacta com os espíritos e os ajudar a passar para o lado de lá? Ela é muito porteira e com certeza que vale bem a pena ver a série. "