Açores - São Miguel


We would like to show you a little about São Miguel
  • Place Poça da Dona Beija
    Poça da Dona Beija


    "Imagine an outdoor spa with amazing views. That is exactly what you can find at poças dona Beja! Only 6.50€ entrance fee to heaven! "
  • Place Ananases A Arruda
    Ananases A Arruda


    "Great way to discover how the process of pinapples, the tradicional fruit of the Azores, is done. Stop by the gift Shop too and try the liquor! "
  • Place Furnas Lake
    Furnas Lake


    "After visiting the famous "caldeiras das furnas" and eating the "cozido", drive to the other side and walk along the lagoa to end the day beautifully!"