

  • Music ask.tm | Podcast Pedro Teixeira da Mota - Spotify
    ask.tm | Podcast Pedro Teixeira da Mota - Spotify


    "O meu podcast português favorito do meu humorista português favorito. Eu e o Pedro partilhamos do mesmo sentido de humor por isso é super fácil soltar umas gargalhadas enquanto ouço este podcast. "
  • Music Cheers Brother - Sarah Baska and Caitlyn Rae
    Cheers Brother - Sarah Baska and Caitlyn Rae


    "My favorite podcast ever! I feel like I’m having a chat with my girlfriends. I share a lot of interest with those two girls so it’s SO EASY to relate to everything they talk about. 10/10 You can also watch them on YouTube which I prefer because they’re both very expressive and visual. "
  • Music Zane and Heath: Unfiltered | Podcast on Spotify
    Zane and Heath: Unfiltered | Podcast on Spotify


    "SO SO FUNNY. Zane and Heath have always been my favorite blog squad members and I would always laugh so much at their adventures. Now hearing them talk about them is 10/10. You can also watch it on YouTube. Their scenario is beautiful and they have amazing guests."