Best Movies Ever 🍿


My personal favorites of all time
  • Movie Pulp Fiction
    Pulp Fiction


    "The crossed paths of three criminals: a boxer that wins a fight he’s supposed to lose, a mobster that falls in love with his boss’s wife and a couple that tries to rob a restaurant."
  • Movie El padrino
    El padrino


    "The story of an organized crime family patriarch, Vito Corleone that transfers his empire to his son, Michael."
  • Movie Uno de los nuestros
    Uno de los nuestros


    "The story of Henry Hill, a man that grew up wanting to be a criminal but ends up testifying against his friends in court and engages in the witness protection program."
  • Movie Donnie Brasco
    Donnie Brasco


    "An FBI undercover agent infiltrates the mob and finds himself identifying more with the mafia life."
  • Movie Cadena perpetua
    Cadena perpetua


    "A man is wrongfully sentenced to life in prison after “Killing his wife and lover”. In prison, he develops a escape plan thru the years while doing the accounting of the prison’s warden and after he escape, he publicly reveals a money laundering scheme at the prison."
  • Movie Forrest Gump
    Forrest Gump


    "A man with low IQ, whose only wish is to be with his childhood sweetheart, finds himself involved in many of historical events in the XX century."
  • Movie El bueno, el feo y el malo
    El bueno, el feo y el malo


    "Three men, each one with a piece of a treasure location must team up and search for the treasure together. But nobody wants to share it."
  • Movie Matrix


    "A young hacker learns the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against his controllers."