

Restaurantes, lugares ideales para hacerse fotos, coctelerias y paraiso...
  • Restaurants Mojito Mojito
    Mojito Mojito


    "Restaurante tranquilo y moderno, con comida tipica cubana y deliciosa! Ambientazo! Os recomiendo ropa vieja acompañada de arroz y un buen daiquiri!🍸"
  • Place Hotel Meliá Cayo Santa María
    Hotel Meliá Cayo Santa María


    "Hotel todo incluido, con una playa de ensueño!!"
  • Place Calle Obispo
    Calle Obispo


    "Is one od the most famous streets of Cuba... It has a lot of live, with lot of "paladares", markets, and music"
  • Place Plaza Vieja
    Plaza Vieja


    "One of the mains squares of Cuba, it has lot of color on the buildings and cafeterias"
  • Restaurants La Flor de Loto
    La Flor de Loto


    "You must wait a bit to eat inside, almost on Sundays... the restaurant look like a Chinese, but even though it has lot of typical cuban food"
  • Restaurants Bar Floridita
    Bar Floridita


    "La cuna del daiquiri"
  • Place Hotel Ambos Mundos
    Hotel Ambos Mundos


    "Hemingway stayed at this hotel. It has a great terrace at the top, which is free to go up and it has a bar. Ideal for see the sunset drinking a mojito"
  • Place Hotel Inglaterra
    Hotel Inglaterra


    "The location it can not be more perfect, and the price is quite affordable"
  • Place Paseo del Prado
    Paseo del Prado


  • Place Hotel Raquel
    Hotel Raquel


    "It is a beautiful hotel in the center of the Old Habana you must go upstairs to the terrace, it is amazing"