🎞 Netflix Series and Movies 2020


If you are looking for new series or movies from Netflix, I add here all what i have watched and that had a positive feedback.
  • Serie Hakan, el protector
    Hakan, el protector


    "One of my favorites series in Netflix. The Protector is a Turkish drama fantasy series of a young man living in modern Istanbul who discovered his ties to a secret ancient order. He then embarks on a quest to save the city from an immortal enemy. However he struggles to choose between love and duty"
  • Serie Dark


    "Dark sets up an impossible act for three seasons, and somehow manages to stick the landing with a conclusion that keeps the show's ambition, ethos & mythology intact. It's one of the best sci-fi shows ever made: thrilling, complex and mind bending from start to finish."
  • Serie La monja guerrera
    La monja guerrera


    "Watched today first episode, so far so good. Could be promising somehow. For those who don’t know it yet. its about A young girl that wakes up in a church with inexplicable super powers and gets caught up in a battle between good and evil."
  • Movie La vieja guardia
    La vieja guardia


    "⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Its Sunday nothing would be better than watching The Old Guard. A movie about A group of immortals mercenaries, with the ablity to heal themselves, found out that someone is onto their secret, and they must fight to protect their freedom. I really enjoyed every minute of this movie."
  • Serie Troya: La caída de una ciudad
    Troya: La caída de una ciudad


    "I would recommend this series. I somehow enjoyed watching it. "
  • Serie The Umbrella Academy
    The Umbrella Academy


    "I guaranty that this series will leaves you swept up, much fun and actions."