🌱 Vegan


“Only when we have become non-violent towards all life will we have learned to live well ourselves.”
  • Movie The Game Changers
    The Game Changers


    "How your diet influences your performance."
  • Movie What the Health
    What the Health


    "My “game changer”. How meat and dairy can slowly kill you and the way it’s so well hidden. Cancer, high blood pressure, colesterol, diabetes (...)"
  • Movie Dominion


    "If you think you love animals and you still eat them, you love pets. And how do we separate them? A raw truthful way of how animal industry functions."
  • Movie Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
    Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret


    "“Happy cows” , “bio meat”. Death is not happy. Killing an animal on the 10% of its life isn’t ok.One more about how we treat the most vulnerable ones."
  • App HappyCow Find Vegan Food
    HappyCow Find Vegan Food


    "App that shows you vegan restaurants near you. Life saving! "
  • App Those Who Love Peace
    Those Who Love Peace


    "App with vegan activism events. Because if we choose not to act towards a violent act, we’re choosing the opressor side."