Series! 🌃🌐


  • Serie Stranger Things
    Stranger Things


    "Love the 80's vibes combined with some mysterious stuff? Watch it then! [Te gustan las ondas ochenteras combinadas con cosas de misterio? Vela entonces!] "
  • Serie Breaking Bad
    Breaking Bad


    "This one's just too good to not be watched. [Esta es demasiado bueno como para no verla.] "
  • Serie Friends


    "Pretty positive that you've heard about this one already, sync up with your F r i e n d s and make some funny references! "
  • Serie The Walking Dead
    The Walking Dead


    "Zombie apocalypse, drama and serious stuff, really worth to watch! [Un apocalypsis zombie, drama y demás cosas serias, realmente vale la pena de ver!] "
  • Serie Orange Is the New Black
    Orange Is the New Black


    "Great in every way, a lot of entertainment lies here, give it a watch! [Genial en todos los aspectos, hay un montón de entretenimiento aquí, vela!] "