S e r i e s🌹


On this collection I indicate my moment series.🌙 You can find a quick impression of mine about them on comments of each post! 🔥
  • Serie The Umbrella Academy
    The Umbrella Academy


    "And finally the 3rd season has been confirmed! 🥳🔥The adaptation of the HQs of The Umbrella Academy was really great evolved by Netflix, and about not many episodes took my heart! 💞 Garard Way wasn't playing when write this piece! Masterpiece! 👑 "
  • Serie La maldición de Bly Manor
    La maldición de Bly Manor


    "I didn't sleep at the first night when I finished watch this series... 😳😳 But it worth, The Haunting of Bly Manor is incredible! 💞"
  • Serie The Crown
    The Crown


    "From the art direction to the cast, The Crown it's a massive show about the quality cinematography. For people who loves a great production, you may love this series! 👑"
  • Serie Sobrenatural


    "Tomorrow was the last episode of this incredible series 🥺 I will miss all of the characters so much ..."