Restaurants & Coffee 🍽🍷


  • Restaurants Restaurante Bonjardim
    Restaurante Bonjardim


    "Strategic place to eat a delicious fried chicken (frango frito) with a blond beer (cerveja), or just grab a cup of coffee, before a walk around Restauradores (close to theaters) or Rossio. Love it! [Price: $$]"
  • Restaurants Casa de Pasto Oh Pereira
    Casa de Pasto Oh Pereira


    "Great place to grab a beer and chill with friends. Love the “salgadinhos”! Plus: they have a “reusable cups” policy. Hope you like it as well!"
  • Place Pastéis de Belém
    Pastéis de Belém


    "Such a lovely place and a delicious Portuguese cake to try: Pastel de Belem! One of the historical places where this especialty was first commercialized - stop point for every tourist who visit Lisbon 🧁😉👌"