
Carolina Vázquez

129 Followers145 Follows
  • Movie El tiempo contigo
    El tiempo contigo


    "Fron the same direction as Your Name, this movie just takes anime to a whole new level, please watch it!!!"
  • Movie Your Name
    Your Name


    "This movie os so amazing. It will make you cry at the end, no doubt, the director is a genius."
  • Book Las 48 leyes del poder
    Las 48 leyes del poder


    "Esta guia es verdaderamente increible, yo he sido víctima de bullying toda mi vida, y mi padre me regalo edte libro para aprender a leer mejor a las personas. Ha camboado mi vida, ahora los que me havian la vida imposible no solo me rme envidian pero tambien me respetan."
  • Book Dias de sangre y resplandor
    Dias de sangre y resplandor


    "Esta saga por laini taylor es uncreible, Karou y Akiva haran que te inmerdes en su mundo. Super recomendado"
  • Restaurants ZEN Restaurant & Bar
    ZEN Restaurant & Bar


    "This is menu B800 it also comes with a miso Soup and a drink! For 15 euros!!"
  • Restaurants ZEN Restaurant & Bar
    ZEN Restaurant & Bar


    "The menu B900 it is sooo good! Only 13 euros and you get a drink, a miso soup, and that much sushi! It is amaying! Super chic"
  • Book Querido nadie
    Querido nadie


    "Lei este libro a los 11 años y marcó mi vida, ahora tengo 20 y aún lo recuerdo. Es de una cbica que queda embarazada a sus 15-16 y le escribe cartas a su bebé por nacer, ella no queria al bebé... creo qhr todo adolescente deberia leerlo. Es desgarrador y tan real."
  • Music Welcome to the Black Parade
    Welcome to the Black Parade


    "If you haven't heard this song, you HAVE TO. It's a must know. Even if you're not that much into rock, my chemical romance created an anthem that will last generations."
  • Music Sunflower, Vol. 6
    Sunflower, Vol. 6


    "This song is so soothing! You'll find ypurself immersed in your thoughts and the music... Harry styles created a master piece, ty listening only to the vocals, they are magestic"
  • Restaurants Café Frida
    Café Frida


    "You will find this café in Bonn Germany. And trust me you will not regret visiting it. They are vegan and vegetarian friendly, and the best part (other than the amazing eco friendly healthy food) is Rakete the sausage dog, the pet of the Café, that will make your day better ×1000"