
Mariana Sánchez

52 Followers20 Follows
  • Serie Cocina a presión
    Cocina a presión


    "Un grupo de 11 cocineros con diferentes antecedentesy antigüedades en la industria se reúnen en una casa para cocinar, juzgar sus propios platos y decidir quién saldrá. "
  • Serie La gloria
    La gloria


    "Another drama with themes of bullying on the educational system in Korea. The series follows a woman, literally scarred for life, as she tries to get revenge on her old bullies, as a grown up. Very interesting, they algo involved money and love! Great if you like PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLERS. "
  • Serie Oh My Baby
    Oh My Baby


    "This drama depicts the life and struggles of couples and singles struggling to get pregnant in Korea. All the above with the story of a magazine editor who finds herself in a race with time to get pregnant, without a couple or support. DRAMA, COMEDY, ROMANCE. "
  • Serie Besos, Kitty
    Besos, Kitty


    "I have mixed feeling towards this series. First, I thought it would be a mini series, but no. The main character is really annoying, but it's understandable she's a tennager and has some character growth throughout the series. Good supportive characters, and the mom storyline is kind of forgotten. "
  • Movie Alice, cariño
    Alice, cariño


    "A woman living in an abusive relationship goes with her friends to cabin in the woods where the toll the relationship has put on her comes to an end. Interesting "
  • Movie La peor semana
    La peor semana


    "Super funny movie about the week prior the weeding between two very distinct families. Wholesome. "
  • Movie Orgullo + Prejuicio + Zombis
    Orgullo + Prejuicio + Zombis


    "Feels like a 5 minute version of pride and prejudice, the zombie theme it is actually well played and the story moves quickly and somethly. Somewhat funny. "
  • Movie La última noche
    La última noche


    "A group of friends and their families gather around on Christmas to celebrate and after all the fuss, take a last-day pill. It gets dark. Entertaining. "
  • Music Baianá


    "I just love this song, I actually ignore if it is a cover, remix or the original... But the beat it's so good and activating. "
  • Serie RuPaul: Reinas del drag
    RuPaul: Reinas del drag


    "It is a very interesting show... Even though they are men, like men, they identify as men and dress like women they address themselves as she. Very dark-humored, fashion forward and funny. "