🌍 Abandoned Places


  • Place The Galaxy
    The Galaxy


    "A massive abandoned boat hotel in Thailand"
  • Place Barragem de Vilarinho das Furnas
    Barragem de Vilarinho das Furnas


    "One of the oldest villages in Portugal, it was intentionally floaded in 1972 during the dam construction"
  • Place Villa Epecuén
    Villa Epecuén


    "A completely devastated ghost town in Argentina"
  • Place Rummu karjäär
    Rummu karjäär


    "Located in Estonia, this prison is now submerged, and it's probably one of the most interesting places to dive on earth, and a good one to visit even if not diving!"
  • Place Mediano


    "Similar to Curon Venosta in Italy, in Mediano you can find a submerged church, a resemble of the Mediano town that was intentionally floaded by one of the country's largest reservoir. I also couldn't find any photo of the church underwater so I am also assuming you're not allowed to dive there "
  • Place Lago di Vagli
    Lago di Vagli


    "Fabbriche di Careggine it's an ancient village that has been floaded by a dam in Vagli di Sotto, Italy. Last time it was seen submerging was in 1994 when they did dam maintenance. No one knows when they will do it again"
  • Place Jal Mahal
    Jal Mahal


    "Water Palace of Jaipur, located in Man Sagar Lake, is actually opened for visitors"
  • Place Curon Venosta
    Curon Venosta


    "Located beneath Recia Lake, Curon is an underwater city where it's bell tower is still visible on the surface. Strangely, there's no photos online of the city itself so I am guessing that no diving is allowed in the area"
  • Place Xin'anjiang Reservoir
    Xin'anjiang Reservoir


    "Beautiful reservoir in China, here, in qiandao lake, you can find Shi Cheng, also known as the Lion City, an underwater city."
  • Place Port Royal
    Port Royal


    "Now underwater, this city was once known as "the most sinful city of the world", until a big earthquake led to it being floaded, killing most of its inhabitants."