✂ Braids (marcações disponíveis por insta) ✂


A minha mãe faz tranças, para fazer marcação ou pedir qualquer tipo de informação podem contactar-me pelo ig (na bio). 😊 Preços acessíveis e a baixo da média 👌🏾
  • Fashion ✂ Braids (Podes fazer marcação no meu ig zona de lisboa) ✂
    ✂ Braids (Podes fazer marcação no meu ig zona de lisboa) ✂


    "A minha mãe faz tranças, colocação de perucas, rastas etc na zona de lisboa. Para mais informações contacta-me pelo insta (na bio). Preços acessíveis "
  • Fashion 🌹Short beautiful styled braids🌹
    🌹Short beautiful styled braids🌹


    "This style of braids are just so practical and beautiful. Simple and really good for summer time. 😍💕"
  • Fashion 😍My fav😍
    😍My fav😍


    "This is my favorite color out of all the colors I've had my braids done on. 😘 (BTW not all the pictures I'm using are of me, when it's me on the picture all put a "🌟" in the beginning of the comment). "
  • Fashion 💙My blue babys💙
    💙My blue babys💙


    "🌟💙Loved to have my braids done blue, and the hair extensions I used glowed in the sun💙(yup that's me ahaha) "
  • Fashion ✂️beautiful short braids✂️
    ✂️beautiful short braids✂️


    "🌹Here again we can see that little short box braids are also beautiful and suit perfectly with the warm weather🌹(my mom offers the accessories for the braids when you book with her, just request the ones you'd like to be using and she'll get them for you)"
  • Fashion 💋Twistters💋


    "🥵Twisted "braids" are so cute🥵 ☺️Question: Have you haver had braids? If not, would you like to?☺️"
  • Fashion 🖤My grey babys🖤
    🖤My grey babys🖤


    "🌟🖤I just love this color on braids. In the picture you can see that I used platinum grey hair braid extensions🖤"