

  • Movie Minha Vida em Marte
    Minha Vida em Marte


    "Como é bom filme com Paulo Gustavo! Esse então, maravilhoso! Uma comédia brasileira, que fala de casamento e separação, onde entre os altos e baixos da vida, a força de uma grande amizade supera qualquer situação. Recomendo com ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐😉"
  • Movie Bloodshot


    "Vin Diesel é um soldado recentemente morto em combate e ressuscitado como o super-humano Bloodshot, onde se torna mais forte do que nunca e capaz de se curar instantaneamente. Um excelente filme de ação, que vai prender sua atenção do começo ao fim! Recomendo com ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐😉"
  • Movie Aquaman


    "With Jason Momoa, it's impossible not to be good!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Aquaman is a half-human and half-Atlantean, and heir to the throne of Atlantis. Aquaman must recover the legendary Trident of Atlan and accept his destiny as protector of the depths. Very good film, and I recommend with ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐❤❤❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰"
  • Movie Jumanji: The Next Level - Body Swapping: Snapping Into Character
    Jumanji: The Next Level - Body Swapping: Snapping Into Character


    "8/10⭐ bastante buena se me hizo mucho más graciosa que la primera. "
  • Movie Ressaca


    "Uma óptima comédia. "
  • Movie Titanic


    "Um clássico "
  • Movie Un paseo para recordar
    Un paseo para recordar


  • Movie Life (Vida)
    Life (Vida)


    "A team of six astronauts from the International Space Station discovers signs of intelligent life on Mars and the investigation of the fact has unimaginable consequences. A mixture of science fiction and terror that worked! I recommend with ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"
  • Movie El diario de Noa
    El diario de Noa


    "In the 1940s, in South Carolina, worker Noah Calhoun and wealthy Allie are desperately in love, but the young woman's parents do not approve of dating. But even after several events, it soon becomes clear that the passion is not over yet. One of the best romance movies I've ever seen. 💗🥰⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🥰💗"
  • Movie Tres metros sobre el cielo
    Tres metros sobre el cielo


    "Two young people, who belong to different worlds, fall in love and immerse themselves in an exciting journey of discovery. Babi and Hace will fight against prejudice and against everyone, to live a love story worthy of Romeo and Juliet. It's a lovely romantic movie😍😍 I recommend with ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"