
Filipe Osório

95 Followers30 Follows
  • Movie El hoyo
    El hoyo


    "Spanish movie picturing a little of our society today, divided by leves, where the first level has a table full of food and you can eat whatever you want and the next ones eat all the remainings. It makes me remember what happens in this days with t"
  • Serie Freud


    "Psychology, conspiracie and hypnosis are the main focus 👌🏽 "
  • Movie Jurassic Park
    Jurassic Park


    "Amazing history and awesome cinematic work for the year of this movie, one of my favorite one’s"
  • Music I Lost a Friend
    I Lost a Friend


    "FINNEAS isn’t such a great composer it’s also a very good singer and this music shows it"
  • Fashion World War Z
    World War Z


    "This game is saving my quarantine!! Such a good game to play with friends🧟‍♂️🔫 "
  • Fashion God of War
    God of War


    "10€ for this game to play will in quarantine. Not bad !!"
  • Place Golden Club Cabanas
    Golden Club Cabanas


    "Every single year I’m in this resort during my summer vacations, it’s a quiet place with lots of places to visit and rest "
  • Place Sheraton Porto Hotel & Spa
    Sheraton Porto Hotel & Spa


    "Love this place even if it’s just to go out with friends or if it is to have a romantic dinner"
  • Place Pestana Palácio do Freixo
    Pestana Palácio do Freixo


    "Love this place, such a wonderful hotel with a great view and a very good restaurant "
  • Place The Yeatman
    The Yeatman


    "Let’s drink a cup of wine seeing this beautiful view of Oporto 😍"