Must-Read Books


  • Book 12 Rules For Life
    12 Rules For Life


    "Nos enseña a establecer las reglas del juego, la guía y la estructura de nuestra vida. Es el punto de partida para alcanzar una vida plena, satisfactoria y feliz."
  • Book 12 reglas para vivir: Un antídoto al caos
    12 reglas para vivir: Un antídoto al caos


    "Nos ayuda a establecer las reglas del juego, la guía y la estructura de nuestra vida. Es el punto de partida para alcanzar una vida plena, satisfactoria y feliz."
  • Product 1984


    "George Orwell vaticinó con casi 40 años de antelación un futuro tétrico y regido por un estado absoluto en el que la sociedad ha perdido toda capacidad para gobernarse a sí misma. Impresionante!"
  • Book Sapiens. De animales a dioses: Breve historia de la humanidad
    Sapiens. De animales a dioses: Breve historia de la humanidad


    "When in our long history as Homo sapiens were we most fulfilled? As hunter-gatherers chasing down mammoths? As farmers tilling the soil? Maybe as God-fearing peasants in the Middle Ages? Who are we as a species? And where are we going? - Bill Gates"
  • Book The Narrow Corridor
    The Narrow Corridor


    "Acemoglu and Robinson provide a powerful new framework for looking at countries' development through the way that the state interacts with society. The power distribution between state and society affects how peaceful societies are, how their economies are organized, and how rich they are."
  • Book Why Nations Fail
    Why Nations Fail


    "Their argument is that the modern level of prosperity rests upon political foundations. Two conditions have to hold: power has to be centralised and the institutions of power have to be inclusive. Without centralised power, there is disorder, which is anathema to investment."
  • Book Rebelión en la granja
    Rebelión en la granja


    "It is a MUST book in your bookcase"