
  • Serie Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
    Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann


    "Robots with the size of the whole universe, explosions, big guns. You can already tell thats a good one. But, its not only about the guns, its about the characters growth as well. It show us masterfully how to combine big fights with an amazing story and amazing characters. Masterpiece 10/10"
  • Serie Neon Genesis Evangelion
    Neon Genesis Evangelion


    "GET ON THE FUCKING ROBOT SHINJI. 10/10 masterpiece"
  • Serie Akame ga Kill!
    Akame ga Kill!


    "People just keep dying.all.the.time. You dont like the characters enough to care when they die. 5/10 "
  • Serie Angel Beats!
    Angel Beats!


    "Sad. The end is not that good, its was made just to be sad. 8/10"
  • Serie Assassination Classroom
    Assassination Classroom


    "Its unlike anything you have seen before. Pretty funny and easy to watch. 8/10 (the second season deserves a 9/10)"
  • Serie School Days
    School Days


    "If you hate your self, go on and watch this. I HATE YOU MAKOTO. 1/10. If somehow you liked this one, please die"
  • Serie Your Lie in April
    Your Lie in April


    "An amazingly good drama. Yeah, still pretty sad. Everything about this anime is beatifull, one of my favorites. 10/10"
  • Serie Blue Exorcist
    Blue Exorcist


    "Not good, not bad eather. The beggining is amazing, and it keeps getting better till the final part, than they ruin everything. 6/10"
  • Serie Desaparecido


    "So beatifull, everything was perfect till the end like wtf his best friend ended ul the girl. 6/10 didnt like the end."
  • Serie My Hero Academia
    My Hero Academia


    "If you like a generic, but good, shonen, just go on and watch. Love the fights, the music, the characters. Solid 8/10"