

  • Serie Salvation


    "A series full of mistery and intrigue, it tells the story about a comet that is en route towards the earth, and there is only one technology capable of saving it, which is fought over by every one. (Cancelled after 2 seasons, due to low ratings, unfortunately). 7/10"
  • Serie Altered Carbon
    Altered Carbon


    "A great futuristic novel, adapted to an action packed series, with dark humor, violence and intrigue. Can Kovach learn about his past, while dealing with the present? 8/10"
  • Serie Sobrenatural


    "Saving people, hunting things, the family business...Sam and Dean hop from one Apocalypse to another, with high and low moments, tons of one liners, one kick ass Impala and most importantly, a raising audience attention, wich shows from season to season. 8/10"
  • Serie The Last Kingdom
    The Last Kingdom


    "Destiny is all, a sentence you grow accustomed to, in the begging of all episodes. It tells the story of Uthred of Bebbanburg, which gos from english prince, to Saxon captive and slave, to a mix of english viking, not trusted fully by either side of the conflict. Solid 8/10"
  • Serie Merlín


    "So bad that is good, although story wise is full of incongruity in the lore, beasts and characters, it's amusing, and tends to suck you up for another episode, at the end of the one just watched. A solid guilty pleasure, but one I announce proudly. 7/10"
  • Serie The Mandalorian
    The Mandalorian


    "If you are missing good old Lucasfilm tender love and care, that you haven't seen, since the second trilogy, then this is the series for you. The Mandalorian is action packed, with nice characters and lore wise, "this is the way". A very solid and biased 9/10 "I have spoken""
  • Serie The Frankenstein Chronicles
    The Frankenstein Chronicles


    "If you expect to see dr Viktor Von Frankenstein, you will be disappointed, however you will see a different point of view of this story. Only 2 seasons, but very entertaining, and left me hungry for more. 7/10"