
Daddy is a Gamer 🎮

894 Followers700 Follows
  • Serie Babies


    "For someone like me that is going to be a father for the first time in a month, this was amazing to watch, and it answered some questions that I had 😍❤️🎥"
  • Serie The Walking Dead
    The Walking Dead


    "The best zombies series out there! A huge success, already in season 10 😊 Daryl is da Best 🎥☠️🔪"
  • Serie Los juicios de Gabriel Fernández
    Los juicios de Gabriel Fernández


    "Chocante! Um caso real e recente que mostra muitas falhas num sistema que devia proteger as crianças de maus tratos. Infelizmente aqui o desfecho foi o pior para o pequeno Gabriel! 😔🎥"
  • Serie Brooklyn Nine-Nine
    Brooklyn Nine-Nine


    "Love to watch this and laugh out loud with my wife ❤️😂 Amazing serie to chill on the couch 🛋️😊"
  • Electronic Death Stranding
    Death Stranding


    "I'm waiting unspoiled to play this game in my 2080 TI 🎮 can't wait for the day this game will come out to PC! I did not watch any of my favorite streams so I don't get spoiled 😊🎮"
  • Videogames Diablo III
    Diablo III


    "I still play this game! Looking forward for Diablo IV to come out, really love to explore every corner of this game! Very user friendly and easy to play. For me the best of the genre 🎮😊"
  • Electronic HyperX KHX-HSCP-RD Cloud II - Cascos de Gaming para PC/PS4/Mac
    HyperX KHX-HSCP-RD Cloud II - Cascos de Gaming para PC/PS4/Mac


    "My day to day headset! These headset prioritize sound over any other thing, and they did an excellent job! Great for gaming, studio or just to listen to some music! You will not regret buying this 🎧🎶"
  • Videogames Ring Fit Adventure
    Ring Fit Adventure


    "Super fun to play with the family, this game will make you sweat 🎮 Really fun way to exercise while killing monsters in an amazing adventure 😊"
  • Videogames Super Mario Odyssey
    Super Mario Odyssey


    "If you have a Switch, give this game a go! Very detailed and fun, you will not see the hours pass while playing this 🎮😊"
  • Videogames Grand Theft Auto IV
    Grand Theft Auto IV


    "Probably my favorite story of all the GTA games! Niko Bellic is the main character in this amazing game! If you haven't play it, give it a try 🎮🗽"