

  • Place Victoria and Albert Museum
    Victoria and Albert Museum


    "One of the best free museums in this city! Went there twice already, 2 hours each visit and I still haven't seen half of it"
  • Place Tate Modern
    Tate Modern


    "Another free museum for you to visit with permanent and temporary expositions, excellent for u to visit more than once "
  • Place Buckingham Palace
    Buckingham Palace


    "Simply beautiful and I highly recommend it, never lose an opportunity to see the guards except if it's a sunday! Never go there on sundays"
  • Place St. James's Park
    St. James's Park


    "London has the most beautiful parks... and this one is the most beautiful park in this city. Have a full British experience and enjoy it with ur fam"
  • Place Leicester Square
    Leicester Square


    "One of the most dynamic places to visit in London.A lot of different stores & there's always the best street artists performing here!Oh the gardens..."