

Encontrarás muy buenas series para pasar un rato entretenido 😉👌
  • Serie The Expanse
    The Expanse


    "There's nothing else like it on TV and I'll never understand how so many people are missing out on this show."
  • Serie The Mandalorian
    The Mandalorian


    "Everything is working here. This is a show that's confident and knows what it's doing."
  • Serie Cómo vender drogas online (a toda pastilla)
    Cómo vender drogas online (a toda pastilla)


    "It definitely has plot holes, but it's a really funny and enjoyable watch. The show has an original style that really worked for me "
  • Serie Élite


  • Serie The Morning Show
    The Morning Show


    "The cast all around is really really good here. It's not perfect by any means, but once it gets its footing and momentum going (the start is messy) it's a very enjoyable watch. It shouldn't take itself too seriously at times tho."
  • Serie Defender a Jacob
    Defender a Jacob


    "It's not without its issues, as it could have been a couple of episodes shorter and maybe more coherent with the narrative voice itself. That being said it is a great murder mystery that allows the viewers to draw their own conclusions, for better or for worse."
  • Serie Normal People
    Normal People


    "Beautifully shot, with great chemistry by the two leads. You get a very intimate view into their story. It's a good one."
  • Serie Larry David
    Larry David


    "I mean, it's Larry David, what more do you need?"
  • Serie Madre solo hay dos
    Madre solo hay dos


    "Adorei a série é curta mas é o suficiente para cativar a atenção das pessoas.Já esta confirmada a 2° temporada "
  • Serie Destino: La saga Winx
    Destino: La saga Winx


    "Excelente série, não estava a espera de ser tão bom e a 1° temporada tem poucos episódios "