Free Mobile Apps


  • App TV Time: Seguir series y pelis
    TV Time: Seguir series y pelis


    "This app changed my life! It tells you when the latest episode of your TV show is out, it helps you keep track of how many episodes you have seen, you can see what shows your friends are watching and when the new season starts! "
  • App Shazam


    "If you want to find that what song is currently playing at the store or club all you need to do is Shazam it. You also have the option to always have it open so it will save every single song it recognises that will play around you."
  • App Citymapper - CDMX
    Citymapper - CDMX


    "If you have to take public transports, this is the app for you. It has different paths, transport modes (even Uber and electric scooters) to help you get to your destination. It has a lot of cities (not all of them) but it's much more practical than downl"
  • App Google Pay
    Google Pay


    "Paying with your phone for androids. You can add all of your credit cards and pick whichever you want to use. It's perfect if you are someone who doenst have pockets, doenst like carrying around too many things and keeps loosing your wallet. It also keeps"
  • App Google Fotos
    Google Fotos


    "For who: If you never have space on your phone or computer or if you are scared of loosing your phone/portable drive. It has AI, recognises faces and can create a folder for each person, you can use key words and locations to find your pictures."
  • App Google Drive – almacenamiento
    Google Drive – almacenamiento


    "For who: access to important documents at all times. -- You can access any documents you upload in it at any time (pdfs, videos, docx...), it's free and you can even create Excel files, PowerPoints and word documents online that can be shared with anyone "
  • App WhatsApp Messenger
    WhatsApp Messenger


    "If you aren't on it, you are missing out. Free messaging and call app that allows you to speak to anyone (who's phone number you have and also have the app) from anywhere in the world. All you need is internet."
  • App Pinterest


    "I use it to get inspiration and create a vision board for my projects whether it's personal such as room decoration, hairstyle inspiration, etc. There are so many beautiful images to use and so many DIY's to find. "
  • App Houseparty


    "Basically it's like an open call to any of your friends to join and come chat with you. When you open the app, your friends get notified and they can join you but so can friends of friends and so on. It depends if you make it a closed house or not. Great "
  • App Microsoft Word
    Microsoft Word


    "This app + the Google Drive one is perfect for editing your files on your mobile while you are on the move. Without it you can't change your Google drive files if they are not Google docs"