Movies that hit me in the feels😭


  • Movie (500) Días juntos
    (500) Días juntos


    "Such a great movie! It's not your average romantic movie. It's about how things don't always work out even if you want them to and that's okay."
  • Movie Hacia rutas salvajes
    Hacia rutas salvajes


    "Such a good movie, and so heartbreaking especially because it's a true story. But so worth watching! Bring tissues. Thank me later haha"
  • Movie Million Dollar Baby
    Million Dollar Baby


  • Movie ¡Olvídate de mí!
    ¡Olvídate de mí!


    "It's about a relationship, how it started, how it ended and how you can't go back and change what you've done.But you can grow from it and start again"
  • Movie El diario de Noa
    El diario de Noa


    "One of my all time fav romances. About a kind of love everyone secretly wants."