Biographical films


  • Movie La vida en rosa
    La vida en rosa


    "A somewhat stormy life but with its magical touch of happiness. In this movie you can meet Edith Piaf from her childhood to her death."
  • Movie Bohemian Rhapsody
    Bohemian Rhapsody


    "Is a great film, with the great story and track of Freddy and his band, Queen. It goes beyond what we know and the interpretation or Ramu Make is phenomenal"
  • Movie La teoría del todo
    La teoría del todo


    "A moving story, a story that will teach you more than a little science..."
  • Movie Steve Jobs
    Steve Jobs


    "Based on the biological book Jobs wrote, and starring none other than Michael Fassbender. A great movie that catches you with its great story plus increase your spirits to achieve what you want... Or at least that happened to me. Jobs is a great example to follow"