
lourenco lima

61 Followers3 Follows
  • Serie Ataque a los Titanes
    Ataque a los Titanes


    "I love it so much. It seems like anime has the most intresting stories of all the other movies and series "
  • Serie Tokyo Ghoul
    Tokyo Ghoul


    "Best anime i have ever seen. But i havnt finished yet because i havnt found a place to finish watching :("
  • Movie Ready Player One
    Ready Player One


    "One of the best Netflix movies i have ever watched. Reacomend watching wenever you have the time to. Really good movie :)"
  • Videogames Rust


    "Great game to play with friends. Its amazing the filing you get after rading a huge base and making profit :) 100% worth buying"
  • Videogames Steep


    "The best sports game I have ever played. The snow is just amasing like everything else. I have spent days playing this game, it is just amasing :)"
  • App PayPal


    "Its a very good card system with very low comisions and very easy to use, very useful. I just love the way it works "
  • Videogames Rocket League
    Rocket League


    "Another unic game consept, that combines footbal with cars. Realy good game, great moviment mecanics and cool skins. Its realy hard to play tho XD"
  • Product KROM Koban - NXKROMKBN - Raton Óptico Gaming
    KROM Koban - NXKROMKBN - Raton Óptico Gaming


    "Realy good abd cheap, it has lots of costumisation that you can do. I have been using it for about 2 years abd it stil feels like its new. Its my favorit mouse for competitive level gaming like CS:GO "
  • Serie Stranger Things
    Stranger Things


    "Really good series, it lasts for months and has an amasing story line, unfortunatly its really long and so it might get kind of boring..."
  • App Discord


    "This is the best chating app out there. You can cteate crups, cals abd servers. There are lots of things to do, you will never stop finding new things about it. My discord server: https://discordapp.com/invite/qBFHqkC"