

  • Serie Esta mierda me supera
    Esta mierda me supera


    "série da netflix , vi hoje o trailer e quero muuito ver a série !! parece ser muito boa"
  • Serie Tuca y Bertie
    Tuca y Bertie


    "Love it, you go girl! "
  • Serie Big Mouth
    Big Mouth


  • Serie Rick y Morty
    Rick y Morty


    "Just great, no other words to describe it. Don’t watch it though if you’re sensitive "
  • Serie Archer


    "Better than any adult cartoon in existence. It's a comedy show that is original and also plays on reference comedy, intelligence, fresh material, and bonding of the cast, as well as is a show with action and intrigue without being Apoliticismistic. "
  • Serie F is for Family
    F is for Family


    "At first, (while looking at the picture and title on Netflix) I thought it was one of those boring adult animation’s that wasn’t that great of a show, but then I gave it a try, and boy was I wrong! I love every second of this show! It’s a funny show that "
  • Serie Paradise Police
    Paradise Police


    "I watched the first few episodes and thought it was pretty funny. Definitely not something you want your kids under 18 to watch. The humor is adult swim and may go over youngster's head but some of the scenes can get graphic. They're are a lot of refer"
  • Serie South Park
    South Park


    "This TV Show is honestly Awesome. It makes fun of celebreties,racism,relegious matters, and a lot more and that's what makes a great comedic show. This is my favorite TV Show along with rick and morty and many others."
  • Serie Greenleaf


    "Totally addicted to this show. It's got everything and the cast is phenomenal. Whoever the casting director was really hit the mark. It's like a modern day version of Black Dynasty, just waiting for Diahann Carroll's resurrection where she pops in and sti"
  • Serie Dinastía


    "This is at far the most captivating drama TV shows I have ever watched. Its on my top list of favourite shows. I totally fell in love with all the characters straight up "