Series que encantam


  • Serie Motherland: Fort Salem
    Motherland: Fort Salem


  • Serie Dragon Ball Z
    Dragon Ball Z


    "Sigue las aventuras de Goku y los guerreros Z en esta magnifica saga y sus increibles villanos. "
  • Serie Higashi No Eden
    Higashi No Eden


    "Varios lugares deshabitados de Japon fueron bombardeados con misiles, ocadionaron daños materiales sin bajas humanas, a este acto terrorista se le llamó el Lunes descuidado lo que ocasionó una reacción enajenada de las autoridades y la poblacion."
  • Serie Insatiable


    "A teenager who was fat was bullied and some day he was bullied with a homeless man. Homeless process her, and teenager Patty goes to court to defend her fight with a homeless man. Defense attorney Bob sees a chance to redeem himself by helping her. Bob was her lawyer and became too her pagient couch"
  • Serie Los Bridgerton
    Los Bridgerton

