. a p p s . healthy


  • App Vora - Fasting Tracker
    Vora - Fasting Tracker


    "This is a simple tracker that helps users sync a fast with their biological clock (for Android users)"
  • App Zero - Fasting Tracker
    Zero - Fasting Tracker


    "This is a simple tracker that helps users sync a fast with their biological clock (for iOS)"
  • App Freeletics – Training Coach
    Freeletics – Training Coach


    "This is a personalized training plan that will guide you on your journey to reach your fitness goals"
  • App Lifesum: pérdida de peso fácil
    Lifesum: pérdida de peso fácil


    "This fitness app helps you track your food and your exercise to live a healthier life and reach your fitness goals"
  • App Headspace: Meditación y Sueño
    Headspace: Meditación y Sueño


    "This app delivers guided meditations, super helpful to learn to meditate in a few minutes a day"