
Mariana Peixoto

25 Followers30 Follows
  • Product Iogurte Grego Natural
    Iogurte Grego Natural


    "Um gelado delicioso e menos calórico? Sim é possível! É só juntar 4 claras em castelo, 60g de açúcar, 400ml de iogurte grego natural e, por fim, m&m’s triturados. Vai ao congelador e tá pronto! 🥰🤤"
  • Movie Los Vengadores
    Los Vengadores


    "I had never watched all the marvel movies, just 2 or 3. In this #stayhome I decide to give it a shot and started a marathon of all the marvel movies. This is the sixth movie and the first one with all the heroes (avengers) fighting together! "
  • Movie Capitán América: El primer vengador
    Capitán América: El primer vengador


    "I had never watched all the marvel movies, just 2 or 3. In this #stayhome I decide to give it a shot and started a marathon of all the marvel movies. This is the fifth movie and you will get to know the story of the first avenger, Captain America!"
  • Movie Thor


    "I had never watched all the marvel movies, just 2 or 3. In this #stayhome I decide to give it a shot and started a marathon of all the marvel movies. This is the fourth movie and it’s where you get to know Thor’s story."
  • Movie Iron Man 2
    Iron Man 2


    "I had never watched all the marvel movies, just 2 or 3. In this #stayhome I decide to give it a shot and started a marathon of all the marvel movies. This is the third one and is also about iron man."
  • Movie El increíble Hulk
    El increíble Hulk


    "I had never watched all the marvel movies, just 2 or 3. In this #stayhome I decide to give it a shot and started a marathon of all the marvel movies. This is the second movie and despite being a good movie, the mere fact that it’s not the same actor playi"
  • Movie Iron Man
    Iron Man


    "I had never watched all the marvel movies, just 2 or 3. In this #stayhome I decide to give it a shot and started a marathon of all the marvel movies. This one is the first and I actually really liked! You get to know iron man’s history and how he became t"
  • Movie Malditos vecinos 2
    Malditos vecinos 2


    "It’s a great movie to watch when you need a great time laughing!"
  • Movie Malditos vecinos
    Malditos vecinos


    "It’s a great movie to watch when you need a great time laughing!"
  • Movie La última canción
    La última canción


    "I’ve seen this movie a couple of times and I never get tired of it! "