Films 🎬


  • Movie Las crónicas de Blancanieves: El cazador y la reina del hielo
    Las crónicas de Blancanieves: El cazador y la reina del hielo


    "I like this film because explains the tipical story in a different way. 6/10☺️"
  • Movie Ha nacido una estrella
    Ha nacido una estrella


    "A precious film. The story is so beautiful and sad. The music is absolutely amazing. In love with it. 9.5/10😍"
  • Movie Vengadores: Endgame
    Vengadores: Endgame


    "A very good film. Such a good story that made me cry. I fall for the characters. 8.5/10❤️"
  • Movie El diario de Noa
    El diario de Noa


    "Such a beautiful film. I love it since the first time I saw it, what was a long time ago. I'd never get borred of this one. 9.5/10😍"
  • Movie Bohemian Rhapsody
    Bohemian Rhapsody


    "An incredible film. I love its plot and the way that the life of the group represented. You'll enjoy with the characters and the excepcional music. Very recommended! 9.5/10 🎶"
  • Movie La teoría del todo
    La teoría del todo


    "I enjoy this film a lot. It explains Stephen Hawking's life. It's funny but very sad sometimes. It's very recommended to see it. 9/10 👨‍🔬"
  • Movie El fotógrafo de Mauthausen
    El fotógrafo de Mauthausen


    "This film surprised and made me cry a lot. I felt so bad for the characters. The story is so emotive and hard to see it but I recommend it. 8.5/10😶"