JK Rowling ✨


  • Book Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal
    Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal


    "I love all the Harry Potter books. It makes me feel like I'm inside the magic world. I recommend this book because it's easy to read and very surprising. 10/10 ✨"
  • Book Harry Potter y La Camara Secreta
    Harry Potter y La Camara Secreta


    "The second book of the saga. All of the books are incredible so, if you like Magic adventures, this book is for you. 10/10✨"
  • Book Harry Potter y el Prisionero de Azkaban
    Harry Potter y el Prisionero de Azkaban


    "Third book of the saga. Love that one because of the new and incredible characters and the new things that we can know. 10/10 ✨"
  • Book Harry Potter y el cáliz de fuego
    Harry Potter y el cáliz de fuego


    "The 4th book. I love all the adventures in this book and the Magic Tournament is incredible. 10/10✨"
  • Book Harry Potter y La Orden Del Fenix
    Harry Potter y La Orden Del Fenix


    "The 5th book. I like this one particulary for the new things that we can discover about The Marauders, Snape and Lily. 10/10 ✨"
  • Book Harry Potter 6 y el misterio del príncipe
    Harry Potter 6 y el misterio del príncipe


    "The 6th book. I love that one for the big changes on the plot and the characters and all the new things that we can discover. 10/10 ✨"
  • Book Harry Potter y las Reliquias de La Muerte
    Harry Potter y las Reliquias de La Muerte


    "The last book. That's my favourite of the saga for its incredible plot and the new interesting things that we can discover. 10/10✨"