Séries 🇺🇸🇵🇹🇪🇸


The tv series that I would repeat without hesitation. The best of the best. It’s hard to choose. They are disposed starting from the preferred first
  • Serie La piloto
    La piloto


    "A melhor série que já vi nos últimos tempos. Uma menina que sonha ser piloto mas acaba num bando de traficantes de frota. Amor e ação numa série maravilhosa. She desires to become a pilot but she ended up trafficking drugs. A beautiful l story between love and danger. Truly recommend it. ✈️ "
  • Serie Élite


  • Serie Las chicas del cable
    Las chicas del cable


    "Das melhores que já vi até hoje "
  • Serie Alta mar
    Alta mar


    "Luxury in a boat trip where money talks in a different society where rich and poor people were discriminated. Very interesting story"
  • Serie La casa de papel
    La casa de papel


    "A quarta... the fourth! Amazing! "
  • Serie Vis a vis
    Vis a vis


    "When I saw it, first season made me keep attached to my tv. I couldn’t stop. One amazing story about a lesson to learn. Never trust easily"
  • Serie Hache


    "Impressive story of what people is able to do for love, surveillance and a child wellbeing, well, even in a wrong way. Amazing série! I do recommend"
  • Serie Narcos: México
    Narcos: México


    "Das melhores sereia de sempre! DescriçãoAs origens do tráfico e a ascensão e a queda do lendário traficante Pablo Escobar são retratadas com realismo. The rise of the Guadalajara Cartel as an American DEA agent learns the danger of targeting narcos in Me"
  • Serie Pablo Escobar, el patrón del mal
    Pablo Escobar, el patrón del mal


  • Serie Gran Hotel
    Gran Hotel


    "I didn’t see it yet but the recommendations that I have are really good. It’s gonna be my next one as soon as I can. "