🎸 Music Festivals 🤘


Festivals I have been while working as a beer boy (mochilaman).
  • Place NOS Primavera Sound
    NOS Primavera Sound


    "7/10. City: Porto, Portugal. Rock, Pop, Rap, Tecno and much more. Also visit the beautiful city of Porto during your stay!"
  • Place NOS Alive
    NOS Alive


    "8/10. City: Lisbon, Portugal. All kinds of the best music. And you will love to visit the city. Note: this was the best Portugal festival before 2019."
  • Place Rock in Rio Lisboa
    Rock in Rio Lisboa


    "8/10. City: Lisbon, Portugal. Great music and a lot of other entertainment like contests, games, ferris wheel, gaming and more. Also, visit the city!"
  • Place Super Bock Super Rock
    Super Bock Super Rock


    "7/10. City: Sesimbra, Portugal. Located in Meco, close to sea and not very far from Lisbon. It has a good camping vibe, entertainment and great music!"
  • Place Viña Rock
    Viña Rock


    "7/10. City: Villarobledo, Spain. 3 of the main stages are side by side, rotating bands nonstop and full of mosh pits. Mostly Spanish bands."
  • Place Primavera Sound
    Primavera Sound


    "9/10. City: Barcelona, Spain. One of the biggest festivals in Spain, full of the best music, entertainment, a beach and even a VIP hotel-pool-bar."