K Dramas.... Why wait...


Here's a list of K-dramas ( Korean Dramas/series) I've watched... I just love the culture... The stories.. some over the top clichês... The moral lessons... The fact it usually has 13 to 20 episode's top, and almost never a second season...
  • Serie ¿Qué Le Ocurre A La Secretaria Kim?
    ¿Qué Le Ocurre A La Secretaria Kim?


    "O que aconteceu com a Secretária Kim? / What's wrong with secretaria Kim? One of the bests K-drama I ever seen... Ir you want to teu asian TV I personaly recomend this One... "
  • Serie La poderosa mujer Do Bong Soon
    La poderosa mujer Do Bong Soon


    "The frist K-drama I ever seen... The first that made me fall on love with this type of serie.... The Strong Women of Bong Soon / A mulher forte do Bong Soon... Try ir and give your opinion..."
  • Serie GOBLIN: El solitario ser inmortal
    GOBLIN: El solitario ser inmortal


    "Top... It has everything... But warning... Watch with box of tissues and prepare yourself for much much years.... Goblin.... PS: the main theme song of the main couple is my ringtone because of how good it is...."
  • Serie Socio Sospechoso
    Socio Sospechoso


    "Hummm.... More to the light side... Not on my top 10 but still enjoyable to watch..."
  • Serie Hotel del Luna
    Hotel del Luna


    "Kind of difficult to watch in the first 2 or 3 episodes for most people... But stay with it and you will fall in love... Definitely in my top 10...."
  • Serie La Leyenda del Mar azul
    La Leyenda del Mar azul


    "Beautiful cenaries... A storyline that keep asking more... A female lead funny and beautiful, a male lead bad boy with a heart of gold closed for everyone... A resisted very long but now I can't think of one reason why..."
  • Serie Los chicos son mejores que las flores
    Los chicos son mejores que las flores


    "Boys over flowers... Drama from 2009... Although a bit old it had all kind of awards e good ratings all over Asia... Based upon a famous japanese manga tells a story of a poor girl that saves a student from suicide over bullying in a super elite school... After that she enrolls at the same school..."
  • Serie Bring It On, Ghost
    Bring It On, Ghost


    "If you like supernatural, Koreans and romantic comedy in only 16 episodes this is one you can watch."
  • Serie Mientras dormías
    Mientras dormías


    "While you were sleeping... Don't know why I always passed on this drama whenever I saw it on the list to watch... I'm happy yesterday I finally took the step to see it... It was really good..."
  • Serie Por favor Regrese, Señor
    Por favor Regrese, Señor


    "Another one finished... 16 episodes... Fun... With a hint of mystery, comedy and lots a love... Not the best ending mas still fun to watch..."