

When I read I have to learn something! I can’t just read for the sake of it, it needs to teach me something in specific so usually I read about business, self growth and spiritism.
  • Book Never Split the Difference
    Never Split the Difference


    "I have been reading a few books about negotiation and business but this book was one of the best. The author used to be a FBI hostage negotiator where if he would loose the negotiation someone would die. There are real stories on this book and he explains"
  • Book Think and Grow Rich Deluxe Edition
    Think and Grow Rich Deluxe Edition


    "This is a classic if you have read it you know what I’m talking about. If you are into self education books in regards to how you should think about money this one is a must."
  • Book El Genesis
    El Genesis


    "If you are into spiritism this one explains it all, from the beggining until now, it’s a very extensive book, hard to read for most but with tons of information if you are into the subject."
  • Book O Livro dos Mediuns
    O Livro dos Mediuns


  • Book O Livro dos Espiritos
    O Livro dos Espiritos


  • Book Your first 100 Million by Dan Peña
    Your first 100 Million by Dan Peña


    "If you manage to stumble upon this book you know the power that it has, and if you are one of the lucky ones to have a hard cover one keep it because it’s worth a lot. You can read all the books you want about business and money but once you read this one"
  • Book The Richest Man in Babylon
    The Richest Man in Babylon


    "Tells a beautiful story of a mans life and about how he became rich. There are lots of teachings on how to deal with money, the toad to happiness and prosperity. An essencial book to have in your collection."
  • Book The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care
    The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care


    "Originally published in 1946 book about baby and child care is already out of print for VERY long time. This one a revised edition of the original one. There has been many copies of the original but this one is the closest one. Some teachings are outdated"
  • Book Getting to Yes
    Getting to Yes


    "Teaches you the ins and outs of how to get someone to give you a yes when you most need it. Negotiation and business is the subject of this book."
  • Book Periodic Table Of Cocktails
    Periodic Table Of Cocktails


    "This is a classic one! I call it the Bible of the alcoholic. Many different and new cocktails to create and try, just because “why not?”"