
Raquel Gama

112 Followers115 Follows
  • Book The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy: A Trilogy in Five Parts:
    The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy: A Trilogy in Five Parts:


    "the misadventures of the last surviving man, Arthur Dent, following the demolition of the Earth by a Vogon constructor fleet to make way for a hyperspace bypass."
  • Movie Tentação


    "Father Antonio is a priest by vocation, committed and generous, dear people of Vila Daires a quiet village of the north. But Father Anthony is also a man, and Vila Daires is not as peaceful..."
  • Music Amores Perros
    Amores Perros


    " A horrific car accident connects three stories, each involving characters dealing with loss, regret, and life's harsh realities, all in the name of love."
  • Movie El dia de la bestia
    El dia de la bestia


    "Bent on committing as many sins as possible to avert the birth of the beast, a Catholic priest teams up with a Black Metal aficionado and an Italian connoisseur of the occult. Now, he must become an unrelenting sinner. Is there still hope?"
  • Place University of Coimbra
    University of Coimbra


    "one of the oldest universities in continuous operation in the world, the oldest university of Portugal, and one of the country's largest museums of higher education and research institutions. "
  • Fashion Marina Abramovi The Artist is Present Trailer (2012) Documentary HD
    Marina Abramovi The Artist is Present Trailer (2012) Documentary HD


    "Her work explores body art, endurance art and feminist art, the relationship between performer and audience, the limits of the body, and the possibilities of the mind. "
  • Fashion Salvador Dalí - Wikipedia
    Salvador Dalí - Wikipedia


    "“ The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad. ” -Salvador Dali"
  • Fashion Yerkaland – Welcome to official site of Jacek Yerka, painter of ...
    Yerkaland – Welcome to official site of Jacek Yerka, painter of ...


    "Jacek Yerka is a Polish surrealist artist of fantasy world and landscapes."
  • Fashion Rene Magritte: 100 Famous Paintings Analysis, Complete Works ...
    Rene Magritte: 100 Famous Paintings Analysis, Complete Works ...


    "A Belgian surrealist painter, Rene Magritte’s witty and thought-provoking paintings sought to have viewers question their perceptions of reality, and become hypersensitive to the world around them. 💚"
  • Fashion Wassily Kandinsky - Lawyer, Educator, Painter - Biography
    Wassily Kandinsky - Lawyer, Educator, Painter - Biography


    "Wassily Kandinsky is known for his lyrical style and innovative theories on nonfigurative art. "