Anime 🇯🇵📺


  • Serie Desaparecido


    "If you want to see a great story with episodes that leave you on the edge of your seat, mystery, crime and time travels, this is for you. Also the soundtrack fits perfectly with the plot. If you are not an anime fan and want to start, this would be a great choice.10/10"
  • Serie Code Geass: La Rebelión de Lelouch
    Code Geass: La Rebelión de Lelouch


    "This is one of the first anime I watched of it's genre. And I fell in love with it, Lelouch is such a charismatic strategist you are always interested in what he is planning. A great trama full of plot twists you just want to keep watching. All hail Lelouch! 10/10"